Florida Commission on Offender Review
4070 Esplanade Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2450
General Commission Information - publicaffairs@fcor.state.fl.us, (850) 922-0000
Victims' Services - victimsquestions@fcor.state.fl.us , (850) 487-3259, toll-free 1-855-850-8196
Inmate Supporters - InmatesSupporter@fcor.state.fl.us, toll-free 1-800-335-3396
Clemency Information - (850) 488-2952 or toll-free 1-800-435-8286
If you would like to e-mail a staff member at Florida Commission on Offender Review, the format for an e-mail address is:
For example, Mary Smith's e-mail address would be: marysmith@fcor.state.fl.us .
Rana Wallace, General Counsel, (850) 488-4460
Ian Berry, Coordinator
Clemency Toll Free: 1-800-435-8286Stephen Hebert , Director, (850) 487-1175 / FAX (850) 414-6903
Desiree Carver, Deputy Director of Communications, (850) 921-2816
Ryan Schenck, Director of Administration, (850) 488-3415 / FAX (850) 487-1430
Katie Williams, Human Resources Administrator, (850) 488-3417 / FAX (850) 414-1915
Karen Carter, Accounting and Budgeting Administrator, (850) 921-2815 / FAX (850) 488-1430
Megan Higgins, Director, (850) 922-6137 / FAX (850) 922-6510
Director of Central Office Operations, (850) 488-0611 / FAX (850) 488-7199
Monica Maddox, Supervisor, Revocations, (850) 488-0611 / FAX (850) 488-7199
Jenna Locatelli, Supervisor, Commission Clerk, (850) 488-1293 / FAX (850) 414-6031
Michael Prevatt, Supervisor, Victims’ Services, (850) 487-3259 / FAX (850) 921-8712
Victim Services Toll Free: 1-855-850-8196